
Production per year:

140 million eggs, 270 tons of chicken meat, 140 tons of egg powder, 7200 tons of organic fertilizer

As part of an enterprise

— 880 thousand heads of laying hens of the industrial herd

— 350 thousand young bird places

— 30 ​​thousand heads of parent stock

— 350 hectares of land owned with roads, power supply networks, district heating and water supply

— poultry feed workshop with a capacity of 120 tons per day

— organic fertilizer shop with a capacity of 600 tons per month

— egg powder workshop with a capacity of 500 kg per day

— shop for the production of meat products from poultry

— storage warehouses for up to 3,000 tons of grain and up to 2,000 tons of packaged goods

— warehouses for storing up to 3 million eggs and up to 300 tons of frozen meat products

— a separate storage warehouse for 10 thousand tons of grain with road and rail links

— Hatchery for 500,000 hatching eggs

— 105 vehicles and tractors

— boiler house on coal

— laboratories for veterinary and quality control of products

Located near major seaports and 3 hours drive from the Russian-Chinese border.

Trading Opportunities

Ussuriyskaya poultry farm has the ability to supply high-quality chicken eggs, poultry meat, fertilizer and egg powder to the Chinese market. The quality of all products is guaranteed by strict adherence to the diet of poultry feeding only natural and environmentally friendly grain raw materials and control in accordance with the sanitary standards of Russia.

Organic chicken manure fertilizer produced at the poultry farm contains all the nutrients necessary for plants and significantly improves soil structure during farming.

Our advantages:

  • The enterprise is a major egg producer in Primorsky Krai
  • Continuous, strict product quality control
  • Labeling of each egg
  • High level of service for regional networks: availability of a production and logistics complex
  • The enterprise is the only manufacturer of high-quality organic fertilizer in the region
  • Location in close proximity to the cities of Vladivostok (60 km), Nakhodka and Port Vostochny (120 km), as well as a three-hour drive from the Russian-Chinese border checkpoint.
  • Own territory of 350 hectares

At the poultry farm, it was developed in detail and began to be implemented a comprehensive program for the modernization and expansion of the enterprise with an increase in the number of industrial herds of laying hens up to 1,500,000 heads and the creation of their own food base for their maintenance.
The program provides for the construction of new and reconstruction of almost all major industries.
The goal of the program is to increase productivity, increase production volumes, improve the condition of jobs, and reduce the impact on the environment.
As part of the program of modernization and expansion of production, the following stages were completed:
1) Construction of a poultry complex for 300,000 laying hens of an industrial herd (team R-2). The poultry houses are equipped with cage equipment manufactured by a German company Big Dutchman. Put into operation in 2008.
2) Construction of a poultry complex for an industrial herd for 300,000 laying hens with an egg sorting and packaging workshop for 30,000 eggs per hour (team P-1). The poultry houses are equipped with the most advanced and the only one in the Far East 8-tier cage equipment manufactured by a German company SALMET. Put into operation in 2012.
3) Construction of a plant for the production of organic fertilizers from bird droppings with a capacity of 300 tons per month of finished products. Current status: commissioned in 2015.
The modernization program is voluminous, capital-intensive and is carried out without shutting down the enterprise.


Construction and modernization of old poultry complexes:

  • 900 000 heads of laying hens of the industrial herd
  • 30 000 head of parent stock
  • 400 000 heads of young animals

Construction of a line for drying, granulating and packaging organic fertilizer with a capacity of 20 tons per hour.

Construction of an egg processing and processing complex with a capacity of up to 1 million eggs per day, up to 500 kg / hour of finished packaged liquid melange, 300 kg / hour of egg powder and storage of up to 7.5 million eggs.

Investment Opportunities

It is profitable to invest in the Ussuriyskaya Poultry Farm because it is a stable and long-term operating enterprise, the demand for its products exceeds supply. A large private territory with roads and engineering networks, experienced and qualified personnel, high transport accessibility — these are the advantages that guarantee the effectiveness of investments.

The following investment projects have been worked out and are proposed for implementation:

— increase in the production of eggs and organic fertilizer through the construction of new production facilities

— expansion of the types of products produced after the launch of new modern production lines

— construction on the territory of a transit warehouse complex with wide logistical capabilities

The maximum required investment is $ 35.6 million.

We are ready to offer favorable conditions for investing funds of any amount.

Contact details:

LLC «Ussuriyskaya Poultry Farm»

Phone/fax +74233742926, +74233795317


Russia, 690003, Vladivostok, st. Stanyukovicha, 48/4

Russia, 692764, Artem, st. Voroshilov, 45